“A show of stumbling blocks”
XIII Sárvár National Mazsorett Festival
June 3.
The word mazoretto and Sárvár, the word as a genre, is closely intertwined with the name of Sárvár. For 31 years now, we have been able to get to know this special, spectacularly beautiful form of movement in the streets, squares and castle.
The knowledge and love of wind music goes back to very old times, and the mazuretes provide a wonderful spectacle to the sound of music.
Together, these two arts add colour to our city’s programmes all year round.
For 25 years the Mazzorett Festival has been held in the courtyard of the Nádasdy Castle.
As in previous years, the opening event of the summer season will be a colourful parade of the mazurettas.
We cordially invite you to join us.
We are sure that everyone who comes will have a heart-warming experience and enjoyable entertainment. You will be able to see a charming show, a cheerful and high quality programme of mazerettes and wind instruments.
Participating bands:
Csepreg Mazzorett Ensemble
Hajdúböszörményi Mazsorett Ensemble
Hevesi Mazorett Ensemble
Kapuvár Mosaic Ensemble
Kiskőrösi Mazorett Ensemble
Sárvár Mazorett Ensemble
Kanona Band
Sárvár Concert Wind Orchestra
Festival venue: the courtyard of Nádasdy Castle
In bad weather: Sárvár Arena
Detailed programme later, currently being finalised.